Report a repair
Making sure that your home is well looked after is a key priority for us, so it’s important that you let us know if anything goes wrong. Some repairs are our responsibility as the landlord and some are your responsibility.
Report a repair online >
0800 052 2526
Report a repair by phone
Please call 0800 052 2526 to report a repair over the phone. Our repairs line is open 8am-5pm Monday to Friday. All non-emergency repairs are dealt with within these hours.
Out of hours service
Outside normal working hours (8.30am-5pm, Monday to Friday) our teams will attend an emergency only (an emergency is usually where there is a risk to safety or a risk of extensive damage to the property)
Out of hours heating repairs >
Repair guides
There are a number of common issues that can crop up in your home that are easy to repair. Search for your issue in our help guides below to see whether you can fix the issue yourself or if you need to contact us.

Gas & Heating

Access to my property

Internal issues

Gas & Heating

Access to my property

Internal issues

External issues
If you think you have a gas leak or can smell gas call Wales and West Utilities on 0800 111 999 immediately
If your Carbon Monoxide Alarm is activated call Wales and West Utilities on 0800 111 999 immediately
I know the work is my responsibility, but what if I can’t do it?
If you are vulnerable, elderly or disabled and are unable to carry out these repairs for yourself, do you have a relative, friend or neighbour who could help you? This way you may be able to get your problem fixed more quickly. If not, you can report the repair online and we’ll call you to assist.