If you’re looking to move home, the easiest way is to swap with someone else living in a house owned by a registered social landlord. HomeSwapper is a website, where people wanting to move can post details of what they want and get matched with other people wanting to move. Registration to HomeSwapper is free for Wales & West Housing residents and once you’ve signed up you can post details of what you’re looking for and what you’re swapping. HomeSwapper will automatically search for potential swaps and alert you of potential matches.
When you have found someone to exchange with speak to your Housing Officer. They will send you the exchange form to complete and return before we can approve the swap.
Before applying for a mutual exchange, please make sure:
- You have been a resident for more than 12 months
- Your rent is paid up to date
- Your home is in a good condition
- The property you wish to move to is suitable for your needs
- You are not in any other breach of your occupation contract