What is the issue?

If you find mould in your home please report it to us on 0800 052 2526 or complete the repairs form.

There are a number of factors which contribute to its growth, and some things that you can do to help.


Condensation is one of the biggest causes of mould and damp problems in the home. Condensation forms when the air indoors can’t hold any more moisture.

An average family will create over 100 pints of moisture a week through normal household chores such as cooking, washing, ironing, using the tumble drier and bathing. This can lead to a build-up of condensation, which can cause mould.

You can ease the problem by following a few simple steps:

  • putting lids on saucepans, drying washing outside and avoiding using paraffin or bottled gas heaters
  • opening the bedroom window for 15 minutes each morning
  • making sure your home is well insulated
  • heating your home a little more
  • ventilating rooms regularly and leaving doors open to allow air to circulate, unless you’re cooking or showering
  • if you’re cooking, showering or bathing – opening the window, putting the fan on and closing the door of the room you’re in will help